segunda-feira, 29 de junho de 2015

[7th] Simple Presente Tense

Hello students!
How are you doing?

 Simple Present

Click here.

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[7th] Parts of the Body

Hello students!
How are you doing?

 Parts of the Body

Some exercises. Click here and here.

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domingo, 28 de junho de 2015

[6th] Countries and Nationalities

Hello students!
How are you doing?

 Countries and Nationalities

Observe o diálogo abaixo. Tente compreender ao máximo do que se trata:

A Different Class

Zoe: Sammy, look at our friends. We are all from different countries.
Sammy: Where are you from, Zoe?
Zoe: I’m from London in England, so I’m English. What about you?
Sammy: I’m not English. I’m from New Delhi, in India.
I’m Indian. Where is Fiona from, Zoe?
Zoe: She is from Cape Town, in South Africa. She is South African.
Sammy: Zoe, do you know where is Tommy from?
Zoe: He is from Toronto, in Canada. He is Canadian.
Sammy: Oh! And don’t forget there’s also Fabio. He is a new student from Lisbon, Portugal. He is Portuguese.

Zoe: Our class is so cool.


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[6th] Months of the Year

Hello students!
How are you doing?

 Months of the Year

Resolva alguns exercícios. Click here,

Click here.

Não esqueça que em inglês são escritos com letra maiúscula.

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[6th] Verb to Be (ser ou estar)- Present

Hello students!
How are you doing?

 Verb to Be (am-are-is)

Aqui nesse link você vai aprender sobre  uso do Verb to Be (ser, estar). 
Click here
Click here.

Click here e resolva o exercício sobre o uso da forma abreviada ('m, 's,  're). 

O que você achou dos exercícios?
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